Pertanyaan berikut diajukan di grup Facebook ilmuterbang:
Mau tanya, kalau ada seorang penerbang tempur/militer yang masa dinasnya sudah habis (IDP/PSDP) lalu menjadi penerbang sipil. Apa harus mengulang dr PPL, CPL IR ME atau langsung konversi ke bar 4?
Yang pertama, bar di pundak penerbang tidak ada hubungannya dengan lisensi yang dimiliki. Di perusahaan tempat saya bekerja saat ini banyak penerbangnya dengan lisensi ATPL yang masih mengenakan satu bar. Sedangkan lisensi militer berbeda dengan lisensi sipil.
Untuk bisa mendapatkan lisensi sipil, syarat yang pertama adalah yang bersangkutan bukanlah penerbang yang dikeluarkan/dipecat dari militer karena tindakan melanggar disiplin atau karena kurangnya kecakapan (proficiency), dengan kata lain tidak lulus dalam sebuah tes kecakapan/ketrampilan terbang. Syarat utama lainnya adalah pengalaman terbang yang mencukupi untuk sebuah lisensi sipil baik PPL atau CPL. Dengan aturan ini seorang penerbang militer yang punya pengalaman setara dengan atau lebih dari CPL tidak perlu mengambil PPL terlebih dahulu. (CASR 61.73.a)
Jika penerbang tersebut masih aktif terbang dalam 12 bulan terakhir maka yang bersangkutan hanya perlu melakukan tes tertulis. (61.73.b)
Jika penerbang tersebut sudah tidak aktif terbang dalam 12 bulan terakhir maka yang bersangkutan perlu melakukan tes tertulis dan tes terbang (check ride). (61.73.c)
Rating (termasuk Instrument Rating) yang dimiliki oleh penerbang tersebut dapat dimasukkan ke PPL atau CPL tergantung dari syarat yang tertulis di CASR 61 ini.
CASR tidak menyebutkan bahwa yang bersangkutan harus mengikuti kelas (ground school), tapi praktek umumnya pada saat tulisan ini dibuat seorang pemohon lisensi sipil mengikuti kelas sebelum menjalankan tes tulis ataupun tes terbang.
Berikut ini adalah cuplikan dari CASR 61 yang berlaku saat tulisan ini dibuat. Mohon untuk selalu mengacu pada CASR terbaru yang bisa didapat di website Departemen Perhubungan.
catatan: terima kasih pada mas Wirandi Buntaran dan mas Wisnu Wijayanto yang telah menjawab pertanyaan di atas di facebook.
61.73 Military Pilots or Former Military Pilots: Special Rules
(a) General. A rated military pilot or former rated military pilot who applies for a private or commercial pilot licence, or an aircraft or instrument rating, is entitled to that licence with appropriate ratings or to the addition of a rating on the pilot licence he holds, if he meets the applicable requirements of this Part. This Part does not apply to a military pilot or former military pilot who has been removed from flying status for lack of proficiency or because of disciplinary action involving aircraft operations.
(b) Military pilots on active flying status within the preceding 12 calendar months. A rated military pilot or former rated military pilot who has been on active flying status within the 12 calendar month before he applies must pass a written test on the parts of the CASRs relating to pilot privileges and limitations, air traffic and general operating rules, and accident reporting rules. In addition, he must present documents showing that he meets the requirements of Paragraph (d) of this Part for at least one aircraft rating, and that he is, or was at any time since the beginning of the twelfth calendar month before the month in which he applies:
- (1) A rated military pilot on active flying status in an Armed Force (ABRI) of the Republic of Indonesia; or
- (2) A rated military pilot of an armed force of a foreign contracting State to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, assigned to pilot duties (other than flight training) with an armed force the Republic of Indonesia who holds, at the time he applies, a current civil pilot licence issued by that foreign State authorizing at least the privileges of the pilot licence he seeks.
(c) Military pilots not on active flying status within previous 12 calendar months. A rated military pilot or former military pilot who has not been on active flying status within the 12 calendar months before he applies must pass the appropriate written and flight tests prescribed in this part for the licence or rating he seeks. In addition, he must show that he holds a DGAC medical certificate appropriate to the pilot licence he seeks and present documents showing that he was, before the beginning of the twelfth calendar month before the month in which he applies, a rated military pilot as prescribed by either Paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this part.
(d) Aircraft ratings: Other than aeroplane category and type. An applicant for a category, class, or type rating (other than aeroplane category and type rating) to be added on the pilot licence he holds, or for which he has applied, is issued that rating if he presents documentary evidence showing one of the following:
- (1) That he has passed an official Republic of Indonesia military checkout as pilot in command of aircraft of the category, class, or type for which he seeks a rating since the beginning of the twelfth calendar month before the month in which he applies.
- (2) That he has had at least 10 hours of flight time serving as pilot in command of aircraft of the category, class, or type for which he seeks a rating since the beginning of the twelfth calendar month before the month in which he applies and previously has had an official Republic of Indonesia military checkout as pilot in command of that aircraft.
- (3) That he has met the requirements of Paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this Part, has had an official Republic of Indonesia military checkout in the category of aircraft for which he seeks a rating, and that he passes a DGAC flight test appropriate to that category and the class or type rating he seeks. To be eligible for that flight test, he must have a written statement from an authorized flight instructor, made not more than 60 days before he applies for the flight test, certifying that he is competent to pass the test. A type rating is issued only for aircraft types that the Director has certificated for civil operations. Any rating placed on an airline transport pilot licence is limited to commercial pilot privileges.
(e) Aeroplane category and type ratings.
- (1) An applicant for a commercial pilot licence with an aeroplane category rating, or an applicant for the addition of an aeroplane category rating on his commercial pilot licence, must hold an aeroplane instrument rating, or his licence is endorsed with the following limitation: “Not valid for the carriage of passengers or property for hire in aeroplane on cross-country flights of more than 50 nautical miles, or at night.”
- (2) An applicant for a private or commercial pilot licence with an aeroplane type rating, or for the addition of an aeroplane type rating on his private or commercial pilot licence who holds an instrument rating (aeroplanes), must present documentary evidence showing that he has demonstrated instrument competency in the type of aeroplane for which the type rating is sought, or his licence is endorsed with the following limitation: ”VFR only.”
(f) Instrument rating. An applicant for an aeroplane instrument rating or a helicopter instrument rating to be added on the pilot licence he holds, or for which he has applied, is entitled to that rating if he has, within the 12 calendar months preceding the month in which he applies, satisfactorily accomplished an instrument flight check of a Republic of Indonesia Armed Force (ABRI) in an aircraft of the category for which he seeks the instrument rating and is authorized to conduct IFR flights on airways. A helicopter instrument rating added on an airline transport pilot licence is limited to commercial pilot privileges.
(g) Evidentiary documents. The following documents are satisfactory evidence for the purposes indicated:
- (1) To show that the applicant is a member of the Armed Forces(ABRI), an official identification card issued to the applicant by an armed force may be used.
- (2) To show the applicant’s discharge or release from an armed force, or his former membership in an armed force, an original or a copy of a certificate of discharge or release may be used.
- (3) To show current or previous status as a rated military pilot on flying status with a Republic of Indonesia Armed Force, one of the following may be used;
- (i) An official Republic of Indonesia Armed force order to flight duty as a military pilot.
- (ii) An official Republic of Indonesia Armed Force form or logbook showing military pilot status.
- (iii) An official order showing that the applicant graduated form a Republic of Indonesia Military pilot school and is rated as a military pilot.
- (4) To show flight time in military aircraft as a member of a Republic of Indonesia Armed Force, an appropriate Republic of Indonesia Armed Force form or summary of it, or a certified Republic of Indonesia military logbook may be used.
- (5) To show pilot in command status, an official Republic of Indonesia Armed Force record of a military checkout as pilot in command, may be used
- (6) To show instrument pilot qualification, a current instrument card issued by a Republic of Indonesia Armed force, or an official record of the satisfactory completion of an instrument flight check within 12 calendar months preceding the month of the application may be used.